Statham, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Statham is comprised of approximately 72% white people, 10.9% black people, and 1.1% Hispanic. There are 4.45 homeowners per 1,000 people and an average household income of $57,090. The highest paying industries in Statham include Manufacturing ($62,539), Service Industries ($40,909), and Transportation & Warehousing & Utilities ($42,917).

The median age of residents in Statham is 35 years. This is higher than the state and national averages. Most Statham, GA residents commute to work alone. In addition, 1.44% of workers work from home. The chart below shows the number of households in Statham, GA that use each mode of transportation. The logarithmic scale on the y-axis makes it easier to compare small-scale variations in different transportation methods. The chart below shows Statham, GA households by car ownership buckets. The largest percentages are 0 cars, followed by two cars and false.

Statham is located in the state of Georgia and is a small town with a lot to offer. The city is located in between Atlanta and Athens and offers a blend of small-town charm and big-city convenience. It is also conveniently located on Georgia Highway 316, which provides quick access to major interstate highways. The city is located within the fastest-growing region in the U.S. with two commercial parks and the Atlanta Highway.

Residents in Statham City, Georgia, are interested in knowing how the area's population changes over time. This information will help the city plan for future growth. The community review process will help determine the most effective way to improve the area's quality of life. The community meeting will help the visiting team understand the needs of the residents in Statham City. They will be able to share their findings at the community meeting at the Panhandle State Bank.