Stone Mountain, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you're deciding where to live, you might be wondering about the Population & Steets in Stone Mountains City. Here, you'll find that it's a 50/50 town. A majority of residents live in the city, while the rest rent. However, the good news is that housing in Stone Mountain is relatively affordable - median home values are about $100K lower than the national average - and the median rent is $947 per month. The two most common home styles in Stone Mountain are ranch-style houses and traditional-style homes.

The median age in Stone Mountain City was 34.5 in 2019, according to census data. This figure includes both natives and foreign-born residents. While most Stone Mountain, GA residents are older, the median age among foreign-born residents is lower. Stone Mountain, GA has a lower median age than most other places. This is partly due to the fact that the city's median age is rising, and part of that is the result of the booming local economy.

The stone-faced cemetery was built around 1850 and is a microcosm of the village's history. There are 71 known Confederate soldiers buried here, as well as 200 unknown ones. A Union soldier, James Sprayberry, is buried in the cemetery as well. George Pressley Trout is buried beside his horse, while James B. Rivers is buried on a hillside overlooking the mountain.