Sunny Side, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To get an overview of the population and steets of Sunny Side City, New York, you should start by learning about the demographics of the area. The area's first name comes from the Bragaw family, who purchased the land in 1713 and named it Sunnyside Hill. Before this, the area was only a rural hamlet that was comprised of marshland and small farms. Then, in the nineteenth century, Sunnyside was incorporated into the city of Long Island. The construction of the Queensboro Bridge changed the area's demographics and it became a bedroom community for Manhattan's high-rises. Today, a majority of Sunnyside is made up of six-story apartment buildings constructed in the 1920s and 1930s. The Islamic Institute of New York is located at 55-11 Queens Boulevard, while

The median age in Sunnyside is 26.3. This is higher than the median age in Prosser, which is 34.7. In addition, Sunnyside is home to a wide range of different types of institutions, including museums, libraries, schools, and a variety of other organizations. The demographics of Sunnyside are important because they show the overall age of its population, and help people plan their future plans.

The population of Sunnyside is 136,058 people. A majority of the population is white and Asian. The minority population comprises 8.4% of the population. Twenty-nine percent of households are made up of non-families. Senior citizens and single adults account for about 8.6% of households. Sunnyside's median household income is $85,030. The poverty rate is 16.0%. This area is home to a diverse group of people, and the diversity of the neighborhood is diverse and multicultural.