Villa Rica, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table shows the Population & Steets in Villa Rico City, Georgia. You can also use the table to see the number of households in different race groups. There are approximately 6.41k people of different races living in the city. The most common race is white, followed by black and hispanic. In this chart, the number of households living in poverty is broken down by race. The percentage of households in Villa Rica that live below the poverty line is higher for people of African-American, Asian, and white races.

The population of major parks and airports are generally low in Villa Rica. Many people don't live near these areas, which may make crime rates seem higher. But remember, crime happens where people congregate, not where the residents of Villa Rica live. That means that crime may be higher in parks, even if they are surrounded by safe residents. And if you're looking for a place to raise a family, Villa Rica City may be the right place for you.

In the early part of the last century, the population of Villa Rica was low. The area was once inhabited by the Creek Nation, which were driven out of Georgia in 1826. The Creek eventually moved to Alabama and started a war. The Creek were eventually expelled from both Alabama and Oklahoma. Their people were forced to move away from their homes, but not all of them. The Creek were forced to settle in the surrounding communities, so the area was eventually settled with the white people.