White, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in Population & Steets in White? We've compiled the most up-to-date White City, Utah, demographics for you. Find out what it's like to live in this community, including its average household size and commute time. The following chart gives you a quick snapshot of the demographics for White City. Also, find out how commute time and car ownership compares with those in other areas in the city.

While it may not seem like it, White City's past has many colorful details. In A Sketch of White City, Brooke L. Hollis reveals the colorful history of this community. The Chapman Center for Rural Studies publishes this fascinating book on White City, Kansas. We recommend that you read it! You'll be pleasantly surprised at the many details of this small town. You'll feel right at home.

The median age of all residents of White City, UT is 34.9. This number includes both native-born residents and foreign-born citizens. Compared to the last census, the average White City, UT resident is younger. In fact, the median age was 36 in 2018. Most foreign-born residents in White City, UT were born in Mexico. Mexico, India, and Canada each had eight thousand and seven hundred residents.

The population and steets of White City are based on the cities nearby. This city has two ZIP codes: D (default) and X-D. There are also several "acceptable" names for the White City ZIP code. For more information on these areas, visit the museum or library pages. You'll be glad you did. When visiting, be sure to visit the museum, library, and other local landmarks!