Ewa Beach, Hawaii Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you curious about the Population & Steets in Ewaka Beach City? You're not alone. The population of Ewa Beach, Hawaii is incredibly diverse. Approximately 70% of the population own their homes. Most households have children, and the area is home to two large public schools. Families with children are often interested in the many educational opportunities available in Ewa Beach.

The most common racial group living in poverty is Two Or More, followed by Hispanic and Pacific Islander. The Census Bureau uses specific income thresholds based on household composition to determine whether a family is living below the poverty line. For a family to be considered to be living below the poverty line, its total income must exceed the income threshold. In other words, if a family makes less than the median income in Ewa Beach, it does not qualify as being below the poverty line.

The average income of an individual living in Ewa Beach, HI is $100,151, which is more than four times the national average. The median annual income for the city was $95,625 in 2018, which represents a 4.73% growth. The chart below shows the median household income in Ewa Beach by sex. The top five industries in Ewa Beach are Construction, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Accommodation & Food Services.

The population of the city was spread out, with fifty percent of the people under 18 years old, twenty-four percent of the population were between the ages of 25-64, and 17.5% were sixty-four or more. One percent of the households were non-families, while another 8.5% were composed of individuals. And finally, 4.1% of households were headed by senior citizens. The average household size in 'Ewa Beach City, HI was four and a half.