Honaunau, Hawaii Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Honaunau City is located in Hawaii, USA. The population is approximately 2,949 people, 78 people per square mile. Most people are born in the US, though some are foreign-born. The median age of Hawaii residents is 43.3, compared to 37 for the US. The median household size is 3.5 people, compared to 2.6 for the US. There are some businesses in Honaunau, but most people live in the city.

In Honaunau-Napoopoo, HI, the majority of households live in poverty, with 57.6% living below the federal poverty line. Thirteen percent of households were non-families, and 11.9% of households had a female householder without a husband present. Eighty-nine percent of residents had some type of health coverage, but most were not. Twenty-one percent of residents have health insurance through their employer, while 17.8% of those living in the city have Medicare or Medicaid. Another five percent of residents have private insurance or are unemployed.

In Honaunau City, Hawaii, the median property value was $446,900 in 2019. This decreased from $545,700 in 2018 to $446,900 in 2019, a decrease of 18.1%. About 55% of the population is home-ownership-rate. The median car ownership rate is two cars per household. The median age of people living in Honaunau-Napoopoo, HI is about average.