Maunaloa, Hawaii Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are wondering how many people live in Maunaloa City, Hawaii, you've come to the right place. Maunaloa has a population of 336 people and the median home value is $248,300. The city has a homeownership rate of 30.6%, and most residents commute by car. On average, Maunaloa residents drive 14.7 minutes to work. In Maunaloa, HI, there are 2 cars per household, which is the same as the national average.

The ZIP code for MAUNALOA is 96770. Here's a look at the basic information about the zip code, including the ZIP+4 code list and interactive map. The ZIP code is accompanied by the city or organization name. The ZIP extension is the last four digits of the zip code. This information is useful for determining the location of a given property or business.

The number of households in Maunaloa City varies. There were 65 households with children under the age of 18, while 12.9% were non-families. One in five households was headed by a single person. The average household size was 3.54 people. The median income was $45,400. This was a fairly low income community, especially for a city in the middle of the state.

The population of each neighborhood in Maunaloa City is small, and the rate of theft per person may appear high if there are many people visiting the city during the day. However, there are few retail establishments in the city, so crime is concentrated in areas with low population. This means that red areas on the theft crime map aren't necessarily dangerous for the residents of Maunaloa City.