Papaaloa, Hawaii Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for a map of Papaaloa, Hawaii, you've come to the right place. Using the online map of Papaaloa, Hawaii, United States, you can zoom in and out to see the area in greater detail. While the data here is for reference purposes only, it will give you a good idea of the area's overall population and the rates of crime.

The violent crime rate in Papaaloa City is comparatively low compared to the surrounding cities. During a standard year, the rate of violent crime is 2.49 crimes per 1,000 residents. This is about the same as the national average. The city's northeast and northwest sections are safer than the east and south parts. However, the northwest part of the city has more violent crimes than other parts of the city.

The population in Papaaloa is racially diverse, with roughly equal proportions of singles and married couples. The average home value in the city is $238,900, which is higher than the median home value for the Hilo area. As a result, the city is not a great place to look for a bargain on housing. The population density in Papaaloa is relatively low, and the city is largely rural.