Papaikou, Hawaii Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in finding out the Population & Steets of Papaikou City, Hawaii, you've come to the right place. With Radaris, you can find out all the important information you need to make an informed decision about your future move. The city hall is located at the address listed above. You can contact them via phone or email for more information. You can also get the latest updates on events and other city happenings.

The Crime Grade map shows which parts of Papaikou are safest, and which areas are most dangerous. Red areas indicate areas with the highest crime rate, while yellow areas show areas where the crime rate is moderate. This map also shows crime rates by type and severity. Papaikou has a Crime Grade of C, which means that its crime rate is slightly higher than the national average. Despite this low grade, Papaikou is much safer than many other nearby cities. Compared to other cities, the crime rate in Papaikou is in the 42nd percentile. In comparison, 58% of cities are safer than Papaikou, and 42% are unsafe.

In terms of family size, the Papaikou-Wailea CCD has fewer households than other places. The highest number of households is in the Pepeekeo CDP. Overall, the Papaikou-Wailea CCD is slightly smaller than the rest of the island. The percentage of families is about the same as the U.S. average. The percentage of households is also higher in the Pepeekeo CDP than it is in other parts of the island.