Waimanalo, Hawaii Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When it comes to crime rates, you might be surprised to see that Waimanalo has a low rate, with 42 crimes committed per 10,000 residents each year. But it's also important to note that the crime rate is higher in certain parts of town, like near parks and airports, where fewer people are living. Nevertheless, crime still happens in all neighborhoods, and this means that crime rates in Waimanalo are relatively low.

You can find out about the population of Waimanalo by looking at the zip code of the city. The ZIP code of Waimanalo contains the city and state name, along with a nine-digit zip code. For instance, if you're in Waimanalo, HI, you can use the ZIP code of 96795 to find out the population of the city.

The median age of the population of the Waimanalo CDP is 40.6 years. This is one of the highest percentages in Hawaii, second only to Maunawili. Its median age is also significantly smaller than that of the state. The population of Waimanalo City is about 12.7% larger than the population of the entire state of Hawaii. When you look at the overall population of Waimanalo City, you'll notice that men are younger than women.

There are 849 households in the city, with thirty-one percent of the population under the age of eighteen. The rest of the residents were adults, with 59.4% married couples and twenty-one percent of the population aged sixty-four and older. Among the households, 8.5% were non-families, with one person living alone. This means that males outnumber females by a ratio of nine to one.