Waipahu, Hawaii Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are various things to know about the population of Waipahu City. Here, you will find the population statistics. The population of Waipahu is about 27,000 people. The city is located in Hawaii. In Waipahu, the population is composed of both native and foreign born people. The city has a total area of 2.38 square kilometers, which is not much different from other major cities in Hawaii.

In Waipahu, there are a total of 41,590 residents, with a density of 15,697 people per square mile. Compared to other major American cities, Waipahu represents only a small number of Asian residents. The population of Waipahu is made up of Native Hawaiians and Whites. It is also a census-designated place in Hawaii.

The median age of residents in Waipahu, HI is 39.4. The average age of citizens is 29 years old, while the median age for foreign-born residents is 48 years old. Waipahu's natal country is the Philippines, where 119,147 residents were born. Japan and China accounted for 21,172 and 19,172 residents, respectively.

The Waipahu TOD Plan, or town plan, is the next phase of the community's revitalization efforts. The Waipahu Town TOD Plan contains regulations for land development. It specifies how ground-floor buildings should be designed. It also details short-term actions and prioritizes near-term projects. The plan also addresses transportation infrastructure, parks, placemaking, and flooding.