Elk City, Idaho Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in knowing more about the population of the city of Elk, Oklahoma, you can check out our population and steets report. This report shows you the total population of the city, including singles. In comparison, Sayre is the city in the area with the highest percentage of singles, which is 69%. If you'd like to learn more about the city's history, you can also check out its demographics.

Whether you're looking for information about the population of Elk City, or simply want to see where the city is located, it's easy to find. The area is home to numerous historic buildings and is the site of several festivals, including the annual Elk City Country Fair. This year, Elk City's population is estimated at 4,447. The population of the city is comprised of a mixture of singles, couples, and families.

The majority of residents in Elk City commute by car, walking, or taking the trolley bus. The population is approximately 83% white, compared to a national average of 64%. Elk City, OK residents commute by car, walking, or taking public transportation. Compared to their counterparts in neighboring cities, Elk City, OK residents spend the least amount of time in their cars, with an average of 2.47 hours.

The population of Elk City is approximately three-fourths the size of Oklahoma. The city is home to the highest proportion of people born in Northern Europe, followed by Eastern and Western Asian descent. If you're interested in knowing more about the demographics of this city, check out the population & steets report. This report will show the most recent statistics. You'll be amazed by the results.