Fort Hall, Idaho Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following chart illustrates the percentage of households in Fort Hall, ID that live below the federal poverty line. According to the census, the population in Fort Hall, ID is made up of Native Americans, Hispanics, and White people. The Census Bureau has established poverty levels for different types of households based on how much money they make, how many members are in their families, and where they live. Those households in Fort Hall, ID that earn less than the federal poverty level are considered to be living in poverty.

The median property value in Fort Hall, ID is $134,700. This is $0.56 less than the national average of $240,500. The homeownership rate in Fort Hall, ID is 72.2%, higher than the national average of 64.1%. Fort Hall, ID residents drive to work on average 14.4 minutes. The average household owns two cars. A majority of residents are married, and half of Fort Hall's households are single.

Pocatello is the major transportation hub for southeast Idaho. Its college city boasts 13,000 students and 3300 jobs. The city's backdrop is a low, dry mountain range. Fort Hall's population is 3,782 people. However, it has been growing by 25.8% over the last decade. There are many reasons why Fort Hall has a low rent burden. This is because it is a college town and it's near a popular casino.