Kendrick, Idaho Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for the Population & Steets in Kenderick, ID, you've come to the right place. Here you'll find information about Kendrick's demographics and other data about the city. The most important demographics about Kendrick are its racial and ethnic makeup, as well as the average household income. Kendrick is home to 61.1% of white people, 12.3% of black people, 0.7% of American Indian, 5.4% of Hispanic people, and 2.6% of people who identify as being of another race. The percentages below the poverty line vary by race, but the average family income is below this threshold.

The average household income in Kendrick, ID is lower than the national average, making the area a poorer place to live than many other American cities. More than one-fourth of the households in Kendrick, ID are homeowners, making it a good place for families to raise children. And compared to other areas in the country, Kendrick has a higher percentage of African and Haitian people than any other neighborhood.

The town had a Baptist church in the early 1900s, and it was also home to Christian and Methodist churches by 1918. The town also supported a hardware store, hotel, and a general store. In 1920, the population was 255 people, and by the 1930 census, it had reached 270. In 1940, it was 192. In 1950, the population was only 172. The population increased in the next few decades, and by 2000, Kendrick had 139 people.