Kooskia, Idaho Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Kooskia City is spread out, and is a mixture of both older and younger people. Twenty-five percent of the people in the city were under the age of eighteen, while 6.8% were in the 18-24 age group. The median age was forty years old. Males outnumbered females by 101 to one. However, the proportion of married couples is the lowest in Kooskia.

The majority of residents in Kooskia are white. However, approximately 40% are foreign born. Kooskia is the second-largest city in Idaho after Cottonwood. The city has the highest percentage of foreign-born residents compared to any other U.S. city, but it is smaller than Kamiah. In fact, Kooskia has a lower median age than Weippe.

The median property value in Kooskia was $88,100 in 2019, a decrease of 7.65% from the previous year. The percentage of homeownership was 70.6%, which is higher than the national average. There were 561 people residing in Kooskia in 2019, and the majority commuted alone to work. The average commute time was 15.3 minutes. The average household had two cars, and there were 1.8 persons per household. The median age of the people living in Kooskia is 55.1 years old.

The percentage of uninsured people in Kooskia, ID, is 69.4%. However, this percentage does not represent the entire population, which is a troubling sign for a city like Kooskia. It may be because of the low enrollment of younger people, but it does indicate a need for higher levels of health insurance. Moreover, 68.4% of households in Kooskia own two cars, which is more than the national average.