Marsing, Idaho Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Marsiing City are not always accurate. It's easy to get a distorted perception of Marsing's crime rate by visiting the city or by speaking with local residents. Nonetheless, crime rates in the city are lower than the national average. Below, we have included the latest crime data in Marsing. These statistics include violent and property crime rates.

The median household income in Marsing City is $28,199. It's also important to consider the poverty rate in the city. It's a bit higher in Marsing than in Idaho, but that's to be expected, as Idaho is much more diverse than Michigan. Marsing's population is also spread out and has a much lower population density than the state average. The median age of the population is 35 years old. There are 94.5 males per 100 females.

Marsing, Idaho is a mid-size capital city located at the foot of the Boise Mountains. State Highway 55 connects the city to Nampa to the northeast. U.S. Route 95 provides access to western Nevada and northern California. State Highway 78 is located to the southeast, to the cities of Murphy and Grand View. In 2019, the median property value in Marsing was $140,000. The homeownership rate is 65.5%, which is above the national average. Most residents commute to work by car, and the average time to work is 25.3 minutes.

The population of Marsing, ID is predominantly white with a minority of Hispanic residents. The city's population is made up of whites, Hispanics, and people of two or more races. While the city has a low rate of poverty, its rent burden is significantly lower than the state average and much lower than that of nearby Lostine and Jordan Valley. In fact, 54.5% of the population in Marsing, ID is renter-occupied, which indicates that housing in Marsing is relatively affordable for those of modest means.