Moyie Springs, Idaho Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Moyie Springs, Idaho population is roughly 44% white. The most common racial or ethnic groups living in poverty are White, Pacific Islander, and Asian. Poverty levels are calculated according to the Census Bureau's set of thresholds. The thresholds vary based on factors such as family size and composition. Families with incomes below the threshold are considered to be in poverty. Most people in Moyie Springs, ID work in Production Occupations and Material Moving Occupations.

The crime rate for the city of Moyie Springs is much lower than the national and state average. The table below lists the crime rate by type and severity in Moyie Springs. The city has lower crime rates than other nearby cities. This makes it a safer place to live than the average for the state of Idaho. The crime rate in Moyie Springs, ID is lower than the national and state average.

The median age for the population of Moyie Springs, ID was 42.8 in 2019. The majority of residents were native-born. Foreign-born residents were 56 percent. The city is smaller than the national average, with a smaller percentage of residents born outside the country. The population of Moyie Springs, ID is about half as large as the average for the surrounding region. The city is home to a large percentage of Vietnam Veterans.

The average household income in Moyie Springs, ID is $45,395. This is lower than the state average of $65,712.