Rigby, Idaho Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to learn more about the Population & Steets in Ridby City? Take a look at the graph below and find out! You'll be pleasantly surprised to learn that there are a few different cities located within 145 miles of Rigby City, ID. You can even use these cities as a starting point for your trip! There are a few reasons why you might want to visit these cities!

According to the U.S. Census, 81.4% of residents of Rigby, ID identify as white, while 12.3% identify as black. Another 5% are American Indian. The remaining 17.8% are Hispanic. The most common occupations in Rigby City are sales and service industries, blue collar and white collar. However, this isn't a complete picture. This chart can help you learn more about Rigby's economy!

Compared to the United States and other similar cities, Rigby has a relatively high proportion of foreign-born residents. It has a high birth rate of 18.3% and ranks #2 in proportion of births to women aged 15-19. The percentage of foreign-born residents in Rigby City is below the national average, but is still higher than the average for the U.S. population.

Among the various demographic groups in Rigby, Idaho, the median age is the youngest - 26.2 years - which is nearly 11 years younger than the national average. The highest age bracket is the older group - 41 years old. Rigby City's median age is lower than the state's, but it is still younger than the national average. There is also a large proportion of the elderly population.