Baylis, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Visiting Baylis City? Here are some facts for you. You'll find out how many people live in Baylis City and the surrounding area. This information can help you make a more informed decision about your life. Baylis City is located in the northwest part of Illinois, so you'll be in the center of the state's largest metropolitan area. There are two airports within 72 miles of Baylis.

As for the average cost of living in Baylis, Illinois, you'll find that prices are moderate. The median income is only $27,188. That's among the lowest in the US. A one-bedroom apartment costs $531 a month. As far as climate is concerned, Baylis has moderate weather conditions. The annual average temperature is 52 degrees Fahrenheit (63C). You'll find that the average humidity is below 60% for 161.8 days and 44.3% for all other days.

The city's population is conservative. The majority of Baylis residents identify as Republican, and the top religion is Protestant. About 37.3 percent of residents in Baylis work in the production and transportation industries. Only 1.7% of residents are employed in natural resources. However, this is not to say that Baylis is not a good place to live. With such low unemployment rates, you may want to reconsider moving to Baylis.