Bonfield, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will help you to determine the Population & Steets in Bonfild City, Illinois. The data is based on the census and tagged to the residential address. This page is updated yearly as new data becomes available. These statistics are not guaranteed to be accurate or complete. However, you should have a general idea of what to expect in this small town. Listed below are some of the most important facts about Bonfild.

The following information will provide you with an idea of how the city's population compares with nearby communities. You can also find out what service providers are available in the area. There are many different service providers in Bonfield. If you don't have a broadband connection yet, you can find an option by entering the address. If you'd like to explore other options, try searching for towns within 100 miles of Bonfield City.

The majority of residents in Bonfield City are US citizens. The rate is higher than the national average. In Bonfield, IL, there are 423 white residents and 8 non-white citizens. The percentage of non-white residents is decreasing, though. Only 1% of the population is foreign-born. Those statistics aren't representative of the whole city, but they provide an indication of the diversity of the area.

The median household income in Bonfield City is $71,713 compared to the $65,712 for the rest of the United States. However, this number is slightly higher than the national average. The median age of residents is 34. This indicates a largely younger population than the state's average, but it's higher than the average for the same age group. The median household income in Bonfield, IL is 0.519% higher than the national average.