Buffalo Grove, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When was the last time you checked the Population & Steets in Buffalogrove City, Illinois? This city was incorporated in 1970. In that year, the Buffalo Grove Mall opened and included a grocery store, a dime store, an ice cream shop and a radio station. Today, the shopping mall complex has undergone significant physical renovations and tenant changes. At the time of its opening, the city was home to just over 15,000 people.

In Buffalo Grove, the median age is 42.2 years. This city has a high percentage of families with young children. The median household income is $106,564, which is $46,627 more than the national average. The city has a low crime rate, with a rate 73% below the national average. The area has a diverse population, and a thriving economy. As a result, there is always a job opening in Buffalo Grove.

Although the population is growing, the area is still home to many people who rent. While the average rent in Buffalo Grove is $1801 a month, rent trends are increasing at a rate of 13% per year. The average home value in Buffalo Grove is $332,300. The median age of residents in Buffalo Grove is 41.7 years old, 40.8 years old for males and 42.4 years old for females.

The Buffalo Grove Park District operates the Raupp Museum. The second oldest building in the village, Saint Mary's Church, is home to Lou Malnati's Pizzaria. In addition to great food, Buffalo Grove is home to a thriving shopping district, with the town center anchored by Escape and Buffalo Grove Theaters. The community has many parks, and residents are proud of their culture and diversity.