Buffalo Prairie, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When it comes to the population, Buffalo Prairie City is not much different from other towns. This town has an average population density of 16 people per square mile. This makes it a great choice for residents who want to find out about employment opportunities in the area, as well as those who are looking to retire. Buffalo Prairie township Illinois has the lowest percentage of underage residents and the highest percentage of people aged 40 and over.

In terms of ethnicity, Buffalo Prairie township is home to a majority of native-born citizens. The largest groups are European and Asian, with approximately 75% of all residents originating in Europe. Its proportion of foreign-born residents is higher than the average for the state of Illinois. The average racial makeup of Buffalo Prairie city is white. However, one-third of the population is black, a sign that the township is less ethnically diverse than the state average.

The first ward of Buffalo was originally populated by people of Irish and Polish ancestry. However, this neighborhood has since become predominantly African-American. The West Side has a large population of people of many different ethnicities. The first ward was historically home to almost exclusively people of Irish descent, but today is home to large numbers of Arabs. The Jewish population in Buffalo has largely moved to the suburbs.