Burnt Prairie, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to know the population of Burnt Prairie City? Here's a quick guide. The population of Burnt Prairie City is roughly half the size of Illinois. But, if you're looking for more information about the town, read on! Below are some demographics about this midwestern city. You'll be surprised to learn just how many people live here! Here are the latest statistics.

The median household income in Burnt Prairie, IL is $33,750. More than 74% of households are homeowners. That's a significantly higher rate than the national average, which is only 64.1%. Additionally, the median household income in Burnt Prairie is higher than the average of neighboring areas. This city's residents also have comparable commute times, averaging just over 25 minutes per day.

You can find out the median household income in Burnt Prairie City by using the free public data provided by the FBI. This information includes information about home values, income, and the percentage of homes owned or rented. You can also find out how many homes are vacant. If you want to know more about crime in Burnt Prairie City, you can use SpotCrime, a website that provides crime map data.

In the North End, one in three residents drop out of school before Grade 9 and more than half of those children are apprehended by Child and Family Services. Even young girls routinely work their stroll. The street is often jammed with intoxicated residents who stumble across it. Solvent abuse is nearly as prevalent as alcoholism in the area, with kids as young as nine and twelve clutching rags soaked in gasoline. Some even shove the gas directly in their mouths to get a high.