Carol Stream, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that there are several people living in the Carol Stream? The city is located in northeastern Illinois, along Lake Michigan. The most comfortable months are June, September, and August. January is the most uncomfortable month. The following statistics will provide you with some basic information about the people of Carol Stream. You can also use these statistics to find out more about the people in the city.

The crime rate in Carol Stream is comparable to that of its surrounding cities. Although the city is much smaller than many others, the murder rate is about the same. The table below compares murder rates between cities with similar population. Carol Stream has a lower murder rate than the Illinois state average and the national average. However, if you're looking for a safe place to live, then the northwest part of the city is a great choice.

The median home price in Carol Stream, IL is $54,800. The median home price in Carol Stream is $278,000 per family. The median price per household is $66,778. The median price per square foot is $42,926. You'll need to plan your trip accordingly. Carol Stream is located in Cook County, Illinois. There are plenty of restaurants and bars in the surrounding area.

The population and street statistics of Carol Stream City are available here. The population of the city is 39,711 (2010 census). The town center is dedicated. This building is named after the former mayor of the town, Ross Ferraro. The town's fire department celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2009.