Claytonville, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the population and steets of Claytonville City? If you're planning a move, this article will help you find out! We'll examine how Claytonville residents rate their safety and the area's crime statistics. The population of Claytonville is relatively low, but crime rates are high in some areas. Those areas with higher crime rates include the south and west parts of the city.

The city was incorporated as a town on December 13, 1823, but was later shortened to Clayton. Clayton was named for prominent jurist Augustin S. Clayton, who served in the Georgia House of Representatives and Senate. He was also a member of the United States House of Representatives in 1831 and 1835. The city was founded on land sold to a man named Solomon Beck by William Bartram in 1775.

The percentage of a certain race is measured by the area of green or red on the map below. Areas with higher population diversity are those with more minority groups. Areas with lower numbers are those with higher levels of white population. Unless there is a significant minority of African Americans in Claytonville, it's unlikely that the area is truly diverse. In fact, the city is overwhelmingly white, with only about 3 percent of residents being Hispanic.