Coal Valley, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A look at Coal Valley's population statistics will show you that the population is approximately 3.71k. There are 147 White (Hispanic) residents and 29 Two+ (Hispanic) residents. The median age is 42.7, which is higher than the US average of 37.4. The median household size is 2.5, while the national average is 2.6. As far as race goes, Coal Valley has a high percentage of White residents (97.7%), followed by Black or African American (0.619%) and Asian (0.781%).

As for age, one third of Coal Valley residents are under the age of 15, with an average age of 48. As for nationality, Coal Valley is home to about 6% non-natives, including immigrants and residents who are U.S. citizens. Foreign-born residents of Illinois speak English more frequently than Americans. In Coal Valley, 9.5% of its 18 and older population are veterans. And 6% of the city's total population is non-military.

The average household income in Coal Valley, IL is $1,134, which is higher than the national average. The median home value in Coal Valley is $164,400, which is 0.884 times smaller than the national average. Homeownership rates in Coal Valley, IL are higher than the national average. 87.6% of Coal Valley, IL residents live in a single-family home, and most commute to work by car. 84.2% of Coal Valley residents have a broadband internet connection.

In Coal Valley, IL, the majority of the population is white, while the minority group is Black and Native American. Overall, the poverty rate in the city is lower than the national average - 13.1%, which is lower than the rate in the United States. Besides race and ethnicity, the Census Bureau also looks at other factors like cost of living and crime rate. These factors will help you decide if you want to move to Coal Valley, IL.