Divernon, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Divernon is 636 people. There are 108 people in the labor force. Approximately 97 percent of the people in Divernon have a high school degree or equivalent. The highest paying industry in the city is Wholesale Trade, with a total payroll of $65,104. However, there are only a few other professions in the area. Despite these disparities, Divernon's population is not particularly diverse.

The median home price in Divernon, IL was $97,100, and the homeownership rate was 79.1%. About 84 percent of the population of Divernon drove to work. In Divernon, Illinois, there were two cars per household. The median income in the city was $62,578. There were also a small number of single-person households (one-person households).

Another way to discover where to stay in Divernon is to visit the local area. There are many cities within 64 miles of this city. Using this list, you can plan your trip to nearby cities, or even take a road trip. The population data is available for both small towns and large cities. It is also possible to find hotels and motels within a few miles of Divernon.

When it comes to the city's demographics, Divernon has a population of approximately 1,126. The city's peak population was 1,000 in 2000, and it is expected to reach nine hundred and seventy-seven by 2022. Although the city's population has decreased slightly in the past five years, the growth rate is still above average, with only 59% of comparable cities growing faster than Divernon.