Dowell, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The information about the Population & Steets in Dowel City is available in many ways. First, you can view an interactive map of DOWELL, Maryland. This map is available for download and can be moved around. If you want to see more details about a location, you can also look up the ZIP code or ZIP+4 code for DOWELL. To learn more about this location, you can look up its zip code, ZIP+4 code or USPS designated name.

The Crime Grade map shows which areas of Dowell are safest. The map shows where there are high crime rates, while other areas are moderately safe. Crime rates in Dowell are broken down by type and severity. The overall grade for Dowell is C-. It means that the crime rate is slightly higher than the national average. Dowell is rated in the 37th percentile of safety. In comparison, 63% of cities are safer than Dowell. Only 37% of nearby cities are as dangerous as Dowell.

The number of high school students in Dowell City is 0. The number of teachers working in Dowell's public schools is a bit below 2,500. The city is located in the Central time zone. Internet speeds in Dowell are relatively low. The average Wi-Fi speed is 70 Mbps. The area's roads are fairly simple and low-quality, and the population density is average. This city is close to the coast and the nearest airport is 385 miles away.