Durand, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Durand, MI is made up of approximately 120.6% white citizens, 0.28% black residents, and 2.0% Hispanic residents. In terms of occupations, there are three broad categories: service industries, blue-collar jobs, and white-collar roles. Based on this data, the population of Durand has a median household income of $48,679.

In terms of population, the city has a total of 3,827 registered voters, or about 384 households. The median home value is $126,023, with an average household size of 2.58 people. According to USPS demographics, the population of Durand, Michigan is projected to shrink by 0.2% by 2020. Although the city is still growing, it is still lagging behind other cities in the United States.

In terms of race, White (Non-Hispanic) residents outnumbered all other races in Durand, MI. They are also more likely to have children than any other race. While white residents outnumber hispanics by three to one, Hispanics make up 1.69% of the city's population. The city is home to fourteen foreign-born residents, which is a higher percentage than the national average.

In terms of property, the median property value in Durand, MI was $74,100 in 2019. This is about 0.308 times lower than the national average. Homeownership rate in Durand, MI is 63.3%, lower than the national average of 64.1%. Residents of Durand, MI drive alone to work. There are about two cars per household. The median home value is $74,100.