Garden Prairie, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Garden Prarie City? The following is a list of the city's most notable citizens. You can learn more about them in our Garden Prairie, Illinois, USA, demographics. You can also find out the median age, where the majority of residents are over 45 years old. That is also more than double the national average of 37.9 years. Also, approximately 8.70% of the population is over 65 years old, while the national median is 37.9%.

In terms of commercial properties, the city has commercial centers in key locations, with some office space along 75th Street. Most of the land surrounding these centers is zoned for office use, with some residential development types - including condominiums, garden apartments, duplexes, and other housing options - planned. These commercial centers contribute to the city's overall walkability and increase the availability of goods and services.

While the population in Garden Prairie City has remained relatively stable in recent years, the overall trend has been downward. Previously, the town was a landlocked first-tier suburb competing with new suburban areas. Although the population has been relatively stable since the 1990s, it has not reached the historic levels. In recent years, the city has started to offer commuter rail service. This will help residents get to work more quickly and easily.

The JC Nichols subdivisions in Garden Prairie City were developed during the early stages of the city's development. Most of the neighborhood's homes were constructed before 1955. This means that many of the homes are over 50 years old, making them relatively affordable. These old homes require some form of rehabilitation and maintenance, which makes redevelopment difficult but possible. Despite this, the redevelopment of the area will continue to evolve the city's identity.