Glen Ellyn, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the population and steets of Glen Ellyn, Illinois? The population and steets of Glen Ellyn are listed below. You can use these figures to make a better decision about your own move to the city. The demographics of the city are based on the latest data from the US Census Bureau. These figures are tagged to residential addresses, so you can be sure that the data is up to date.

The population of Glen Ellyn is 27,236. It is located in DuPage county and is about 7.6 miles from Naperville and 15.3 miles from Aurora. Its median home value is $409,000 and has appreciated by 2.7% in the last decade. There is a strong economy in this city, and residents have many opportunities to make a living in Glen Ellyn.

The racial composition of Glen Ellyn reflects a slightly diverse population. Residents report being part of a variety of racial groups, with the majority of people being White. Those of Indian and Italian descent are also represented. Those who are unemployed are highly likely to be Black. While White people are the largest segment of Glen Ellyn's population, there is a significant minority of Asians.

Besides population, crime rates in Glen Ellyn city are also worth considering. This city has a relatively low rate of violent crimes, at only 71 crimes per 100,000 residents. In fact, it is safer than other large cities in Illinois and the United States. So, if you're considering relocating to the Glen Ellyn area, you may want to consider moving there.