Grand Tower, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Grand Towel City? There are roughly 57,725 people living in Grand Tower City. It is about one-quarter the size of Illinois. Its population density is 451 per square mile, which is lower than the nearby Harrison CDP. And although it is smaller than Alto Pass, the population of Grand Tower is still higher than the average.

In terms of age groups, Grand Tower is home to 18% of single residents. This is second only to Murphysboro, which has 21% of single people. In terms of family sizes, Grand Tower ranks second with an average of 3.4 people. This is higher than the state average, but not as high as Gorham. But compared to the state average, Grand Tower's average family size is still smaller than that of the state.

The population of Grand Tower was fairly evenly distributed. Twenty-one percent of the city's people were under the age of 18, twenty-four percent were between 25 and 44, and seventeen percent were sixty-four and older. Its median age was 39 years old. While there were fewer women than men, the male population was 95 percent larger than the female population. Females accounted for nineteen percent of the population.

Among the most significant features of the community are its main roadway corridors, which are largely developed as commercial. These roads are heavily used, and they define the character of the city. Several neighborhoods are characterized by small residential blocks. These neighborhoods are also home to some older neighborhoods, which are mostly modest and have small lots. The eastern portion of the city's population is home to some older neighborhoods.