Grayville, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets in Grayvill City, Illinois? If so, this article will give you a good idea of the demographics in this town. Grayville has a population of 1,728 residents. Since the city is small, economic conditions in small towns tend to be worse. However, the population of Grayville is predominantly made up of young people who are starting families. The median age in Grayville is 37, and the average family size is three. This makes the city one of the most diverse cities in Illinois, ranking 17084 nationally and 857 in diversity.

Crime rates are lower than the national average, although nearly half of the residents are still concerned about their safety. Education in Grayville is excellent. Almost half of the residents are satisfied with their schools, and the city ranks highly on both state and national rankings. Among the factors considered are graduation rates, enrollment rates, and student reviews. The average cost of living in Grayville City is less than that of other cities in Georgia.

Rent burden is an indicator of the percentage of household income spent on rental housing. This measure is helpful in estimating the affordability of housing in a community. The rent burden in Grayville is lower than the national average of 30.3%, but it's higher than that of neighboring cities such as Washington and Lawrenceville. The median rent in Grayville is $461. The median property value is $64,800.