Heyworth, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a quick overview of the Population & Steets in Heyweight City, Illinois. You can find out how many people live in this city and what type of crime is most prevalent. Heyworth has lower crime rates than the surrounding communities, and the city is less dangerous than the national average. But how can you tell if Heyworth is a safe place to live? Here are a few things to consider before moving there:

The population of Heyworth is 65.2% older than the U.S. average. This city has higher educational attainment than the national average of 46.6%. It is also a desirable place to live for those who want to pursue a career in science, technology, engineering, or math. Heyworth ranks well on Dwellics, a personalized recommendation engine that ranks over 50,000 U.S. cities to help you make the best choice for where to live.

The overall population of Heyworth, Illinois is 2,867. Heyworth is the sixth-most populous city in Illinois, behind Bloomington. It is a largely rural area and has a low rate of commuting and relocating. Heyworth is home to many businesses, however, and has a large amount of industrial space. It is located near the Bloomington, Illinois metropolitan area, which is about 95% larger than Heyworth.

Although Heyworth is smaller than the state average, it has more people of Hispanic descent than the average of Illinois, and a higher percentage of foreign-born residents. Heyworth is a relatively conservative city, with about a fifth of the population being Hispanic. While this isn't the highest proportion of foreign-born residents in the state, Heyworth is still an ideal location to live.