Ivesdale, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking to move to Ivesdale, you should consider the cost of living. In general, Ivesdale's cost of living is lower than the national average and most cities within the state. While some areas are much more expensive than others, overall, Ivesdale is less expensive than the national average for housing, utilities, groceries, transportation, health care, and miscellaneous goods and services.

If you are interested in exploring Ivesdale, IL, the population & steets data below can help. You can also find cities within a 100-mile radius of Ivesdale. The list of cities is provided as a resource for residents to find nearby towns. When a city has a low population, it's more likely to experience economic problems.

There are no official statistics on the percentage of African Americans living in Ivesdale. This city's population is estimated to be around 267. However, it's not uncommon for a neighborhood to have a higher proportion of African-Americans. The population of Ivesdale is a diverse mix, and the city's diversity can be found in many ways. Most residents have at least one high school education and a college education.