Keenes, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are wondering, what are the Population & Steets of Keenes City? Here are some quick statistics for you to consider. The population of Keene is approximately 4,747 people, and over 37% of the people are employed in the service industry. The rest of the population is either unemployed or in the white-collar field. In addition to this, Keenes has a low unemployment rate of around 2.8 percent.

The city is home to more than 20 churches, including the United Church of Christ at Central Square. It was once referred to as the "widest Main Street in America." The city's downtown is full of local businesses and restaurants. In addition, there is a theater and cinema in Keene. Those who are interested in seeing a movie should head to the Keene Cinemas.

The per capita income in Keenes is $33,118, which makes the city rich in Kentucky and upper middle-class status in the US. A family of four can earn as much as $132,472, so this city is home to many wealthy people. A quick check of the Census Bureau's poverty thresholds will let you see how many people in Keenes are living below that threshold. The three most common racial and ethnic groups in Keenes are White, African-American, and Two Or More.

While Keenes City was once a railroad town, it no longer remains that way. The city was a hub for manufacturing in the 1800s, and there were two railroad yards in Keene. In 1936, the Manchester & Keene Branch was abandoned after floods. In 1945, the city was a stop for the Boston & Maine Railroad's streamlined trainset. This city was also home to the founders of Steamtown, U.S.A., a popular tourist attraction in Keenes.