Lafox, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in Population & Steets in Lafax City? We have the information you need to help you decide if the area is safe for you. Check out the table below to see the crime rates in Lafox City and nearby communities. This analysis takes into account the city's population and its proper boundaries. The crime rate in Lafox City is 8.41 crimes per 1,000 residents during the standard year.

The population of Lafox City, France is approximately 6,718 people. Of those, 45.2% of residents were under the age of 18. The rest of the population was made up of married couples. However, 6.8% of households included a female householder without her husband present. The city's median age was 36 years. There were more males than females in the city - 99 males to every one female (18+).