Loda, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for information on the population and steets of Loda City, Illinois, you've come to the right place. Dwellics, a personal recommendation engine, has the data you need to decide whether or not Loda is right for you. This article aims to answer that question. The information below is based on the most recent census data.

The population of Loda is less than 2,500. The median income for residents is $45,417, making it a moderately priced place to live. There are 149 people working in Loda's economy, making it a good place for families and retirees. The top three industries in the city are Health Care & Social Assistance, Accommodation & Food Services, and Educational Services. Of these, Education and Health Care are the highest paying sectors in Loda.

The population density of Loda varies based on where residents live. In the central neighborhoods, the crime rate is nearly one crime per 1,000 residents, while in the north, it's only one crime per thousand residents. The comparison isn't as easy as you might think, though. Loda's crime map shows a simple count of crimes committed per thousand residents - a ratio that closely resembles state population maps. While crime rates in Loda may appear high, this isn't necessarily a dangerous place to live in.

The demographics of Loda are diverse. A high proportion of its population is foreign born, with 6.2% of residents being foreign-born. This is a low proportion for a small town in Illinois. Loda is a part of a larger metropolitan area that is home to a large number of ethnicities. Despite being a small town, it's still ranked among the top five cities in the nation.