New Bedford, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the population and steets of New Bedford, Massachusetts, you should know how long the city is. The city is about two miles and three kilometers long. The city's highest point is on an unnamed hill that's crossed by Interstate 195 and Hathaway Road. The peak is approximately 180 feet high or 55 meters above sea level. For more information about the city, you can visit the New Bedford website.

As of 2011, approximately 20% of residents of New Bedford City lived in poverty, which is well above the state poverty level of 11.4%. Another ten percent of New Bedford City's population were illegal immigrants. The city has also suffered greatly from the opioid epidemic and the COVID-19 pandemic. The epidemic disproportionately affects Latinx residents, which make up 20% of the city's population. The city has consistently high caseloads during the pandemic, with a 14-day average incidence rate that was twice the state average.

The median age of all people in New Bedford, MA is 36.6 years old. This number is the same for native-born residents as it is for foreign-born residents. The city has a high percentage of Hispanic residents, with 9,576 people considering themselves Hispanic. The median age of all residents was 37 years old in 2018, making it one of the youngest cities in the state. In addition, it is home to the largest community of Portuguese-Americans in the U.S.