Prairie View, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Have you ever wondered what the Population & Steets in Prairie Vision City are? You might be surprised to know that there is a total of 168,498 residents in the city! That's almost an eighth of the population of the state of Texas! Find out where you stand with these numbers and more! Keep reading to learn about Prairie View and the demographics of its residents. Listed below are some statistics that will help you better understand this city's population.

When it comes to racial makeup, Prairie View has a diverse population. The highest reported race is African-American, followed by White. Other important ancestry groups include Jamaican, African-American, and Mexican. The language spoken by most residents is English, but some report speaking Spanish, African, or both. In Prairie View, the median age of non-citizens is 24.3.

In 2005, the median household income was $24,875. Twenty-three percent of the population was under 18 years old. Forty-two percent of households were married, and another 16.2% were single. Twenty-one percent of the population was over 65. One in four residents was 65 or older. The median age of the population was twenty-one years old. The male population outnumbered females by over one hundred.

Most residents of Prairie View City own a car. While personal vehicle usage has decreased over the past several years, the number of vehicles available has increased slightly. There are more households with access to three or more vehicles. And the city has plenty of parking space. But most residents depend on personal vehicles for transportation. Fortunately, this convenience is improving. Many residents are using ride-sharing services to get around town.