Richview, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You can use this page to see the Population & Steets in RichView City. This information will give you a general idea of the city's crime rate. The red areas on the map are considered the most dangerous, while yellow areas are the safest. Crime rates are categorized by type and percentile. Richview is in the 29th percentile of safety. There are 71% safer cities than Richview, and 29% are more dangerous. You can also compare Richview with nearby cities to see their crime rate.

The Census Bureau provides detailed demographic information for the city. The census reports give you the racial makeup of the population and the number of households. You can also find the percentage of households with minorities. The population of Richview is composed of a mix of ethnic groups. For example, 0.0% of the people in Richview City are Hispanics. In addition, there are some households with two or more members, while the other households are all single.

The median property value in Richview, IL is $66,500. The homeownership rate is 82.6%. Most residents commute by car. They own an average of three vehicles. Richview's population is 289 people. Those who are American citizens or were born outside of the country are 100% American. In Richview, IL, the median household income is $41,250. Aside from median income, the city's poverty rate is 3.0%.