Thawville, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the population of Thawville City? There are a few ways to find out. The most obvious is to look at the ESRI map. It shows the population distribution in relation to its parent and neighboring geographies. The map is also useful for understanding how the population is distributed amongst different types of housing. For example, what is the breakdown of households by type of housing?

The overall population of Thawville is composed of two distinct age groups. The oldest group is the elderly, and the youngest group is the youth. The median age of the entire population in Thawville is 35.6. The average household income in the area is $66,018. Thawville has a high school graduation rate of 76.6%, while the smallest group is the population between 40 and 49 years old.

The population of Thawville is 192. Its median household income is $50,625. The percentage of residents who are renters is higher than the national average. Overall, however, there are more renters than owners in the city. The median household size is 2.49. The city is made up of mostly white residents, but there are a few people of African descent. The minority population is represented by 0.9% of the total population.

Unmarried women in Thawville are one-hundred percent of the population. This is the highest unwed birth rate in the greater Thawville area. Despite this, the birth rate in Thawville is only 2.7%. Interestingly, the lowest rate of unwed mothers in the city is in Piper City, IL. So, let's take a closer look at this important statistic: the rate of unmarried mothers in Thawville City.