Thomasboro, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that the Population & Steets in Thomasborough City, IL, are very similar to those of other areas in the state? If not, you may be surprised to learn that this small town is home to a relatively large black population. The city is a part of the Thomasboro metropolitan statistical area. The following information will tell you more about the local population of Thomasboro.

You can find out more about this city's population by visiting the following websites. The USPS has published census data on Thomasboro for the years 2010 and 2020. The USPS uses this default name to identify the city. This information will help you find the residents of the city and find addresses. Also, the schools in the area are listed. You can find the schools in the city through their web page.

The census data on this page also shows the racial makeup of the city. The population of Thomasboro is made up of 845 voters. The majority of them are male, with 19.1% being over 65 years old. The racial makeup of the city is 95.4% white, 2.3% black, 2.0% two or more races, 0.3% American Indian, and 1.5% Hispanic.

Thomasboro is located in Champaign County, Illinois, approximately 25 miles southwest of Monticello. It is a city of about 1,000 people and possesses a geographical location of 730 feet (223 m). The city is located in the (217 area code. It is home to the Thomasboro Hoskins Elementary School. If you haven't been to Thomasboro, you can always check out the statistics on the city.