Timewell, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Timewwell City? In Timewell City, Illinois, the population is around 127 people and consists of 50 households and 36 families. There are 64 housing units per square mile. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the population of Timewell is diverse, and there are a variety of races living side-by-side. However, the city is considered "low-density," meaning that most residents live in an area with a variety of ethnic groups and cultures.

Depending on your needs, there are a lot of small towns near Timewell, IL. The city center is within 80 miles. This is good if you need to fly between two airports or drive around the city. Otherwise, you can find larger cities that are near Timewell. Listed below are the towns and cities in the vicinity of Timewell, IL. You can use these lists to plan your trip.

In the United States, the zip code 62375 is assigned by the US Postal Service as TIMEWELL, Illinois. This zip code is primarily in Brown County, but parts of it are located in Mound Station, IL. Timewell, Illinois is part of the Quincy-Hannibal-Keokuk metro area. Its area code is 217. The current unemployment rate in Timewell is 2.5%, which is lower than the state's and national average of 3.9%.