Walshville, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking to move to or from Walshville City, Illinois, you'll probably need to know the population and steets. You can find this information by looking up the nearest cities. The following cities are within 42 miles of Walshville. These cities are the largest in the area, and are worth checking out if you live there. You can also check out nearby towns to see what they're like.

The median household income in Walshville, IL is $63,436. This is higher than the national average of 62.7 percent, and is much higher than the average for nearby geographies. In terms of transportation, most people in Walshville drive alone to work. Only 16.2 percent carpooled, and only 0.8% used public transit. The following chart shows the percentage of households using each mode of transportation, including walking and biking. The scale is logarithmic, so it helps illustrate how many people use each type of transportation.

A quick look at the statistics for Walshville reveals that 100% of its residents are US citizens, and this rate is higher than the national average of 93.4%. The highest percentage of these people own two or more cars, while the lowest is one or two. In addition, the city is home to many veterans of the Gulf War, making it a popular place for military families to live. So, if you are moving to this part of the country, consider these statistics.