Warrenville, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for demographic data for Warrenville City, Illinois, you'll find plenty of resources available online. The United States Census Bureau offers a Warrenville City Profile, as well as the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning publishes a Community Data Snapshot. You can also find out how many households own more than one car, as well as the percentage of people who use bicycles. All of this information will help you understand the population and growth trends for Warrenville City.

In addition, the Applicant has applied for a special use permit for the proposed site. In order to build a commercial building on the site, it needs a special use permit. The approved zoning district is B-2 Community Retail. It requires a PUD. The PUD site requires a landscape plan and an entrance sign. The community is a mix of residential, commercial, and industrial uses. Exelon Nuclear's corporate headquarters are in Warrenville. There are also multiple restaurants, shopping centers, and a large retail store.

The Warrenville city council could repeal its video gambling ban next month. City attorneys are finalizing the ordinance that would allow select licensed businesses to install up to six video gambling machines. The council will vote on the measure during its Sept. 7 meeting. Video gambling was legalized in Illinois in 2009, but the city of Warrenville had banned it. Since many businesses in town have expressed their interest, the council may approve the proposal.