Wedron, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A map of crime in Wedron City will show you the number of crimes committed per thousand people in the city. This type of crime is generally less severe than violent crimes. This map is weighted by type of crime to see the highest and lowest crime rates. Wedron City ranks in the 84th percentile for crime rates, which means that overall crime rates are lower than the national average. Of all the cities in Australia, only Melbourne and Sydney are safer than Wedron.

If you're unsure of the exact location of Wedron, IL, you can search for nearby towns. There are two large cities within 37 miles of Wedron, IL: Naperville and Rock Island. Each of these cities is an easy drive from Wedron. There are also a few smaller towns that are close by. You can even find a flight that's close to Wedron, IL if you'd like to visit these larger cities.

If you're looking for housing in Wedron, Illinois, the ZIP code 60557 will help you locate properties. Wedron's population is predominantly white, older, and married, and the median house value is $0, which is well below the average in the Ottawa-Streator area. This makes Wedron a good choice for people looking for housing bargains. However, be sure to check the neighborhood's history before buying a house.