Wood Dale, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing the Population & Steets in Wood-Dale City? Here are some facts and figures that you might find interesting. Before we get into details about the Wood Dale city's population, let's look at the city's economic situation. The city has grown considerably over the years, but it still maintains a small-town charm. The following are some of the top facts and figures about Wood Dale, IL.

The median age of residents in Wood Dale is 41.7 years. Of these, 41.7 percent were native-born, while 26.7 percent were foreign-born. In 2019, the majority of residents were forty-six years old or younger. In terms of race, the most common racial groups living below the poverty line were White, Hispanic, and Black. The data on poverty level was obtained from the American Community Survey and is based on the most recent available data. Although this data is deemed to be reliable, the information provided cannot be guaranteed.

Wood Dale City is an excellent example of intergovernmental cooperation. The City has taken on several cooperative endeavors, including the development of a playground for School District #7 and the redevelopment of White Oaks Park. In addition, the community is actively involved in a number of community projects. The city is also committed to communicating the latest news on each project so that residents are aware of it.