Bringhurst, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Crime Rate - Find out how many crimes occur per 1,000 people in Bringhurst City, Indiana. Crime Rate - The crime rate in Bringhurst is less than the national average. The table below shows the rate of crime in other cities with a similar overall population. It shows that Bringhurst has a lower crime rate than the state average. The table also shows crime rates by type, from property crimes to violent crimes.

Education - Most residents of Bringhurst have attended college or are currently working on a degree. Almost a third have a master's or doctorate degree. Occupations - Bringhurst's population consists of workers in three main categories: service industry, blue collar and white collar jobs. Of these, about one-fifth are in service industry jobs. Overall, the average income for residents of Bringhurst is $33,468.

History - In the early 6th century, Saxons inhabited the area and established Bryni's Hurst, a ring-shaped settlement on a hill above the Welland flood plain. In 1541, the Crown transferred the property of the former abbey to the Dean and Chapter of Peterborough. In the same year, the Dean and Chapter of Peterborough included Bringhurst's advowson in their lease of Great Easton to Edward Watson. Until the late eighteenth century, this property continued to be inherited through successive renewals of the lease of Great Easton to the current owner, the estate of the town.